The Benefits of Refinancing

A Personal Loan Can Help Your Credit

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Credit is one of the most important aspects of your financial health. From employment to homeownership, poor credit causes problems. What’s less understood by some people is just how debt can hurt their credit, even if they have a good mix of credit and a history of on-time payments. Learn how debt affects your credit and how a personal loan can help you overcome these woes. The Connection Between Debt and Credit Read More»

Ready To Refinance? 4 Things You Should Know About The USDA Refinance Streamline Assist Program

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If you purchased your home when rates were high, and you want to take advantage of the new lower rates, now’s the time to streamline your mortgage. One of the best ways to do that is through a USDA streamline assist program. USDA streamline refinance loans are a great way to refinance your home at a lower finance rate. The lower interest rate will reduce your monthly payments, allow you to pay your home off sooner, and reduce the overall cost of your home. Read More»

Tips For Getting An Auto Loan When You Have Credit Issues

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For most people, having a car is a necessity. The average person relies on an automobile to commute to work and transport their family. However, cars are expensive and few people have the funds available to pay for a car in cash. Thus, taking out an auto loan is the norm when purchasing a car. But, for those with credit issues, getting approved for an auto loan can be a challenge. Read More»

3 Things To Know About VA Renovation Loans

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Members of the armed services have access to a special mortgage product referred to as a VA loan. These mortgages often come with lower interest rates and less stringent qualifications. In the past, a VA loan could only be used to finance a home that met strict minimum property requirements. This means that service members could not invest in older or run-down homes. Thanks to changes in the VA loan policies, a VA renovation loan can now be used in coordination with a home loan to give service members access to any property. Read More»

Can You Use Collateral To Bail A Person Out Of Jail?

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If you are trying to help a friend get out of jail but do not have a lot of cash on hand to use for it, you might be wondering if it is possible to use collateral. If you own anything that has value and are willing to use the item as collateral, it is possible to get a person out of jail with this. Here are several things you should understand about using collateral to bail a friend out of jail. Read More»