When you buy a house, you will pay fees. You will have closing costs to pay that relate to the home purchase, but you will also have fees to pay for the mortgage loan. Mortgage lenders charge fees for their services, but do you know what fees they charge? If you want to save money, you might want to ask a few lenders for an estimate of their closing cost fee structures. Read More»
If you are in custody waiting for your case to be heard, the court may set you free after you pay a certain amount of bail. Many people don’t have the financial resources to post bail and turn to bail bond services for assistance. If you are in a similar situation, here are some myths you shouldn’t believe regarding bail bond services.
Bail Bondsmen Exploit Unfortunate Circumstances
Many people liken bail bond businesses to pay-lending services. Read More»
Most lenders and banks require borrowers to provide proof of income when they apply for a loan. This proof of income is often in the form of an income tax return or a paycheck stub.
If you’re self-employed (and don’t receive paycheck stubs) or behind on filing your taxes, one option to consider is a bank statement loan program. A bank statement loan program allows borrowers to apply for a loan by submitting their bank account statements as proof of their income and ability to repay to loan. Read More»
Do you plan to apply for a mortgage? The mortgage application process can be tedious and overwhelming due to the diversity of lenders, products, and requirements. Fortunately, you can engage the services of a mortgage broker to navigate through the process. Essentially, a mortgage broker acts as the intermediary between you and the lender. Below are the pros and cons of using a mortgage broker to secure loan financing.
Pros of a Mortgage Broker Read More»
In this day and age, most people find it necessary to have a checking account. Whether you’re opening your first checking account or are considering switching banks, you will have to decide between a traditional brick-and-mortar bank or one of the many online-only banks that are offering services to customers. Online-only banks are becoming increasingly popular, and more and more people are opening checking accounts with these companies since they have a number of advantages over traditional banks. Read More»